Second-hand Bikes Sale 

In September, the VELOKANIK bikes sale will take place in Jette.

Come sell or buy a bike !

On Sunday, September 22, 2024, the VELOKANIK team is organizing a second-hand bike market!

Come SELL or BUY a bike! Any bike is welcome as long as it's in good condition and ready to ride: adult bikes, children's bikes, balance bikes, mountain bikes, road bikes, etc.

If you want to sell your bike, you can drop it off:

- On Saturday evening (21/09) from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM

- On Sunday morning (22/09) from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

With VELOKANIK, you set the sale price. Sellers don't need to stay during the sale; the VELOKANIK volunteers will take care of everything!

The sale will take place on Sunday, September 22, from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM at Cardinal Mercier Square (in front of the station).

⚠️ Please note that Car-Free Sunday will take place at the same time from 9:30 AM to 7:00 PM! ⚠️

For more information: or send us a private message on Messenger

Event facebook 

More info on our website

Flea Market Rules


- What bikes are allowed?

With the exception of scooters and electric bikes, all bikes (adult, children's or pedal) are welcome, provided they are in working order. High-value bikes are accepted if you can provide a purchase invoice (🚲>400€).​

- How?

After a technical inspection, we estimate the value of the bike based on its condition and possible repair costs. We fill out the technical form and determine the price together. We reserve the right to refuse a bike in poor condition.

- And Then?

You can pick up the sale amount or your bike at the agreed time (on September 17th between 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm). We consider your bike (or the sale amount) as a gift if you do not retrieve it.


- What bike can I buy?

We accept all bikes in working condition and bikes with easily repairable defects. Thanks to a technical check, the condition of the bike is known. We will help you find the right bike based on your size, budget, and intended use.

- How?

The technical form attached to the bike contains all the information (technical specifications, price, condition, necessary repairs).

- A test ride?

A test ride is possible (ID required).

- Buying?

Now that you have found the bike of your dreams, we conclude the purchase contract (cash payment only). There is no warranty on the bikes